=============== Lab Assignments =============== .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: lab/tools lab/lab1 lab/lab2 lab/lab3 lab/lab4 lab/lab5 The operating system you will build, called *JOS*, will have Unix-like functions, but is implemented in an `Exokernel <_static/read/exokernel:sosp95.pdf>`__ style (i.e., the functions are implemented mostly as user-level library instead of built-in to the kernel). - :doc:`Lab Setup Guide ` - :doc:`Lab 1: Booting a PC ` - :doc:`Lab 2: Memory Management ` - :doc:`Lab 3: User Environments ` - :doc:`Lab 4: Preemptive Multitasking ` - :doc:`Lab 5: File System and Shell (Optional) `