
This description is tentative.

Project topic

  • Topic should be related to CPS/IoT security.

  • Your project may aim to
    • Address an open problem that existing work has not solved.
      • Recall the problems that the papers we read could not solve.

      • Try to find other open problems through web search.

    • Develop a new attack on CPS/IoT systems.

    • Or, develop an analysis tool that aims to find a new attack vector or vulnerabilities.


  • If your project is well developed, I will support you to turn it into a research paper. Once accepted (in a conference or workshop), expenses required for your travel to the conference (or workshop) and presentation will be supported.

  • If we both agreed that your research interests and potential are well aligned (with me), we may seek for potential funding sources for your Ph.D. program.


  • Talk: 5-10 min (but no evaluation).

  • Slides: 2 + 5 pages slides.
    • Slide 1: Title & name.

    • Slide 2: Your background and interests.

    • Slides 3-7: Proposal.

    • Around one minute for each slide.

    • Upload your slides to the Blackboard before the Sep 23 class meeting (2:30pm CST).

Project team

  • Find your teammate (team size should be 1-2).

  • Send the list of your team members by Sep 30 (

  • For a team of two, more achievement is expected than a team of one student.

Meetings with the instructor

  • Oct 6, 8: One slot per team (sign up).

  • Nov 12: One slot per team (sign up).

Project proposal

  • Talk: 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A.

  • For a team of two, each member should contribute to half of the presentation.

  • Try to answer following questions.
    • Motivation
      • What problems are you going to tackle?

      • Why does it matter?

      • Who should care about?

    • Approach
      • Are there any past research on this problem?

      • What is your approach then?

      • How is your approach different from the past research?

    • Plan
      • What is your plan/timeline, given the course deadline?

    • Evaluation
      • How can you demonstrate your approach works as intended?

  • During presentation, your classmates will evaluate the proposal and plan.

  • Use the evaluation form.

  • Upload your proposal slides to the Blackboard before the Oct 14 class meeting (2:30pm CST).

  • Upload your evaluations on other teams to the Blackboard by Oct 18 midnight CST.

Demo & final presentation

  • Final presentation slides submission by Nov 23 2:30pm CST.
    • 20-25 min presentation (including Q&A).

    • For a team of two, each member should contribute to half of the presentation.

    • Try to answer following questions.
      • Motivation
        • Identical to the questions for the project proposal.

      • Approach
        • Identical to the questions for the project proposal.

      • Design and Implementation
        • How did you design the solution/attack (overall design, each major component)?

        • What are the new challenges that you had to address?

        • What are the implementation-specific details of your prototype?

      • Evaluation:
        • Does the solution/attack work (demo)?

        • What are the aspects of the solution/attack that you try to evaluate?

        • How are the results and what are their meaning?

      • Discussion and Future Work (optional)
        • What are the open problems that you identified but could not address?

        • What are the possible ways to address them?

      • Conclusion
        • A summary of the work and research contributions.

    • Recall how the slides of the papers that we discussed were organized.

    • Upload the slides to the Blackboard.

  • Final project submission by Dec 8 5pm CST (strict): Write-up and code (w/ demo).

    • Report
      • No longer than 10 pages (including references, except demo appendix).

      • Follow the style of the conference papers discussed in this class, but make it shorter.

      • Use the LaTeX template (required).

      • Overleaf is recommended to use.

      • Include the PDF file only (not the LaTeX source files).

    • Code
      • Add README for the staff to explore.

    • Demo
      • Screenshot or video (optional, append to the report or write URLs in the report).

    • Compress everything into a ZIP file and upload it to the Blackboard.

    • If the ZIP file is too big to be uploaded, put it in a cloud storage (e.g., Microsoft Box) and submit a public link to the file to the Blackboard instead.

  • Your final presentation and project submission will be evaluated based on the following.
    • Presentation
      • It will be evaluated on the clarity of the presentation and how well it responds to the questions listed above.

    • Report
      • It will be evaluated in the same way that you reviewed the conference papers.

      • Recall the instructions that you followed to review the papers for assignments.

    • Code
      • Your code will be evaluated based on the reproducibility of the demo and experimental results shown in the report.

      • Your README should provide sufficient instructions for the instructor to follow in order to reproduce the demo and results.

      • The best way to ensure the reproducibility is to include scripts to automate the process.

      • For a project that requires a special hardware environment, you may be asked to perform a live demo in front of a camera after the submission.