=================================== Software & Systems Security Seminar =================================== ----------------- Time and Location ----------------- - Time: Fridays 11am-12pm - Location: `ECSS 3.220 `__ - Instructor: `Chung Hwan Kim `__ .. include:: sched.rst -------- Overview -------- The Spring 2025 offering of the Software & Systems Security Seminar will cover a variety of security topics, with an eye toward two goals. - Increase participants' familiarity with recent and important results in the areas of software and systems security research. Attendees will read and discuss papers from **recent and imminent top-tier security conferences**: e.g., IEEE S&P, USENIX Security, CCS, NDSS, and security-related systems and software engineering conferences, and so on. - Be a venue for **student presentations**. This may be a "formal" research presentation--ideally of a student's current work--or it may be an analysis of the research papers chosen for a seminar meeting. ------------- Participation ------------- .. note:: **Requirement** Participating students are required to make at least one presentation during the semester. To participate in the seminar, please get on the seminar mailing list **before the first week of the semester**. Use Sympa to subscribe to `s3sem `__. You will receive am instruction email to sign up for presentations through the mailing list during the first week of the semester. ---------------- Potential Papers ---------------- Upcoming and recent conference proceedings are good sources of papers for discussion. Below are links to some relevant conference series. - Security: `IEEE S&P `__, `USENIX Security `__, `CCS `__, `NDSS `__, `EuroS&P `__, `ACSAC `__, `ASIACCS `__, `RAID `__, `ESORICS `__, `CODASPY `__, `Black Hat `__ - Systems: `OSDI `__, `SOSP `__, `USENIX ATC `__, `EuroSys `__, `ASPLOS `__, `SOCC `__, `SIGMETRICS `__, `MobiSys `__, `SenSys `__, `FAST `__, `VEE `__, `DSN `__, `ICDCS `__ - Software Engineering / Compilers: `PLDI `__, `ICSE `__, `ESEC/FSE `__, `ASE `__, `POPL `__, `SPLASH/OOPSLA `__, `ECOOP `__, `CGO `__ - Computer Architecture: `ISCA `__, `MICRO `__ - Workshops: `SecDev `__, `BAR `__, `VehicleSec `__, `SpaceSec `__, `SafeThings `__, `CPSIoTSec `__, `WOOT `__ ------------- Past Seminars ------------- - `Fall 2024 `__