Software & Systems Security Seminar

Time and Location


Week Date Facilitator(s) Paper(s)
1 1/31 Zelun Kong TZ-DATASHIELD: Automated Data Protection for Embedded Systems via Data-Flow-Based Compartmentalization [NDSS 2025]
2 2/7 Sudharssan Mohan An Empirical Study of Performance Interference: Timing Violation Patterns and Impacts [RTAS 2024]
3 2/14 Sudharssan Mohan SAFLITE: Fuzzing Autonomous Systems via Large Language Models [arXiv]
4 2/21 Minkyung Park A Friend's Eye is A Good Mirror: Synthesizing MCU Peripheral Models from Peripheral Drivers [USENIX Security 2024]
5 2/28 - No Meeting
6 3/7 Zelun Kong Interventional Root Cause Analysis of Failures in Multi-Sensor Fusion Perception Systems [NDSS 2025]
7 3/14 Zelun Kong On the Realism of LiDAR Spoofing Attacks against Autonomous Driving Vehicle at High Speed and Long Distance [NDSS 2025]
8 3/21 - Spring Break
9 3/28 Sai Tharun Reddy Mulka TBD
10 4/4 Sai Tharun Reddy Mulka TBD
11 4/11 Conner Replogle TBD
12 4/18 Minkyung Park TBD
13 4/25 Sudharssan Mohan TBD
14 5/2 Sai Tharun Reddy Mulka TBD


The Spring 2025 offering of the Software & Systems Security Seminar will cover a variety of security topics, with an eye toward two goals.

  • Increase participants' familiarity with recent and important results in the areas of software and systems security research. Attendees will read and discuss papers from recent and imminent top-tier security conferences: e.g., IEEE S&P, USENIX Security, CCS, NDSS, and security-related systems and software engineering conferences, and so on.

  • Be a venue for student presentations. This may be a "formal" research presentation--ideally of a student's current work--or it may be an analysis of the research papers chosen for a seminar meeting.



Requirement Participating students are required to make at least one presentation during the semester.

To participate in the seminar, please get on the seminar mailing list before the first week of the semester. Use Sympa to subscribe to s3sem. You will receive am instruction email to sign up for presentations through the mailing list during the first week of the semester.

Potential Papers

Upcoming and recent conference proceedings are good sources of papers for discussion. Below are links to some relevant conference series.

Past Seminars